Nursery (Age group: 3 – 4 years)

Children in this age group move from picture reading to identifying beginning sounds in simple words, as well as understanding pre-number and relational concepts. Children move from identifying primary to secondary colors. They are ready to explore the world around them. Quality education in the early years of preschool sets a firm foundation in the overall development of a child., the nursery curriculum provides a right array of activities to help children move towards achieving their early learning goals.

In Nursery, children are engaged in school readiness activities such as reading, writing, counting, number recognition and problem solving in a fun filled but purposeful manner. Children are encouraged to corroborate their learning through collaborative activities in the areas of dramatics, science and arts.


  • Oral time :  

Eng- A-Z(with phonic sound), Maths -1-50, Hindi – (a to ah)

  • Writing time :

Eng- A-Z, Maths- 1-20, Hindi- a to ah

  • Detailed Concept Of :

Colors, vegetables, fruits, transport, emergency vehicles, farm animals, wild animals, sea animals.

  • Activities :

Story telling, circle time, puppet theater, flash card, magic box, sensory time, library time,audio – visuals etc